Say in English!
"Miss.Nikki wants us to enjoy English."
ニッキー先生からは、"Correct ! "
Thank you for a wonderful year! I’m so happy that I was able to teach at Tomida Junior High School. It was always so much fun to talk to you!
I will miss all of you very much. It made me so happy to see your smiles every day. I hope that you will always smile like that in the future. It’s important to work hard, but I think it’s even more important to be happy. So, please smile and enjoy your school life next year!
I don’t like to say “goodbye”. In English, saying goodbye has a lot of meanings. Sometimes, it can mean that you will never meet again. I want to believe that I will see all of you again someday! So, I won’t say goodbye. Instead, see you! Please do your best until we meet again!